Your Single Customer View

Appsmith enables you to build a single customer view to gain complete customer understanding. Our low-code platform solves the problem of scattered data across multiple systems and channels. By building a single customer view, unify your customer data, deliver personalized experiences, and drive business growth. 

Appsmith Single Customer View

faced in creating a single customer view

Integrating and Managing Customer Data is Complex

  • Hard to integrate data from multiple sources due to varied data formats and structures.

  • Difficult to ensure access control for data privacy across different user roles.

  • Allocation of developer resources is challenging due to multiple competing priorities.

  • Struggles with legacy technology infrastructure leading to data silos and fragmentation.

Ensuring Data Security and Efficient Resource Management

  • Ensuring compliance and data privacy with robust access controls and encryption.

  • Prioritizing developer resources among competing projects like new features and bug fixes.

  • Handling legacy systems that lack flexibility for modern integration and processing.

  • Managing data fragmentation and synchronization to maintain a unified view.

Create a single customer view
with Appsmith

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Map your requirements

Identify data sources and data points to integrate

Determine and collect data from all your sources, like Salesforce, Zendesk, Stripe, Amplitude, and other internal databases. Identify key data points needed from each source, such as customer ID, name, contact information, transaction history, and support tickets, in just a few clicks.

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Bring all your data in one place

Connect your data with Appsmith

Connect your internal databases such as MySQL, Postgres, or MongoDB, external warehouses like Snowflake and Redshift, as well as any SaaS platform using REST and GraphQL APIs with just a few clicks.

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Create your single view of customer

Build the user interface and customize features

Drag-and-drop from 45+ widgets to build your dashboard. Write queries to fetch and integrate data. Enhance functionality with our JS editor, introduce graphs, control access, and add brand styling.

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Continue with your typical dev workflows

Test and deploy your application

Sync your Single Customer View dashboard to a git repository and use standard dev workflows to commit changes, review pull requests, and deploy with CI/CD.

All that layering logic is handled by the application. It's replaced by drag and drop, the visual editor, widgets, and components. You don't have to build them from scratch. The only thing that you have to do is write standalone JavaScript functions within certain components to extend or customize the standard functionality, which is a significant time saver. 

Anton Safonov
Head of Marketing Engineering, Heyjobs

How Appsmith helps to create a single customer view
across industries


Appsmith enables eCommerce businesses to create a unified customer view by integrating data touchpoints, such as online orders, website interactions, and customer support queries. This unified view helps resolve customer queries faster, process returns and refunds, and build analytics dashboards.


For fintech companies, creating a unified view requires aggregated data from financial transactions, customer accounts, and integration history. This data, collected for a unified view, assists in offering personalized financial advice, detecting fraud, and improving customer service by providing a holistic view of customers’ financial health and transaction patterns.


Build and consolidate customer data from service usage, billing information, and customer support interactions. This unified view allows for identifying customer needs, reducing churn rates, and resolving issues by understanding users' customer history and preferences.


For SaaS companies, creating a unified customer view involves aggregating data from activities, subscription details, support, interactions, and product usage metrics. This complete data collection allows personalized user experiences, effective customer support, and strategic product improvements. 

Build a Unified Customer View with Appsmith

Appsmith offers 45+ widgets, 20+ integrations, and code customization to build a single view of your customer. GSK, Dropbox, Twilio, and AWS use Appsmith to build internal tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are low-code tools sufficient for creating a customer view?

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Yes, low-code platforms are sufficient to create a customer view. These tools enable users with limited programming expertise to build applications, including customer view interfaces, by dragging and dropping visual widgets. However, the capabilities of the low-code platforms may vary, and complex integrations and customization might require professional developers' assistance.

What metrics should one use to track the adoption of such dashboards?

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To track the adoption of single customer dashboards, you can use the following metrics:

  • User logins

  • Active users

  • Session duration

  • New feature requests

  • Feedback and satisfaction

Why use Appsmith to build a single customer view instead of paying for SaaS?

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Here is why you should use Appsmith to build your single customer view instead of using the SaaS tool. 

  • Customization: Build a tailored single customer view that meets your organization's requirements with complete customization control. 

  • Cost-effective: We offer three plans: free and open-source Community tier, Business plan, and Enterprise tier with custom pricing. Appsmith Business plan pricing starts at $0.40 per hour per user.

  • Scalability and performance: Build a scalable and high-performing single-customer view capable of handling large data volumes. 

Integration: Smooth integration of a single customer view with multiple data sources, APIs, and workflows, including native support for human-in-loop and third-party services.

Where is customer data stored when building an app using Appsmith?

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All SaaS platforms typically store sensitive customer data on their cloud servers. In contracts, low-code platforms like Appsmith offer the flexibility for customers to host applications on their servers, providing better control over their data. Additionally, since Appsmith is an open-source platform, customers have full access to the entire source code, eliminating the risk of vendor lock-in and enabling greater customization and transparency.
