Fhynix Speeds Up Time to Market by 25% Using Appsmith

Fhynix selected Appsmith to streamline their operations and accelerate their time to market. With Appsmith, they launched new features 25% faster, saved significant time, and improved operational efficiency.

  • 25% faster

    in bringing product to market

  • 60-90 days

    saved compared to building from scratch

  • Removed bottlenecks

    to manage content in the mobile app

Use case
Content / CMS
Company logo

Organizations often grapple with managing complex operations efficiently. This challenge is particularly prevalent among start-ups, where resources are limited and agility is crucial.

We met Almitra Karnik, the CEO and founder of Fhynix. As a working parent, she struggled to manage multiple schedules and tasks, which inspired her to develop a mobile app to address these challenges. However, building this app was not without obstacles. Fhynix experienced the same issues with limited resources and the need to expedite processes. Their circumstances significantly improved upon discovering Appsmith.

About Fhynix

Fhynix is a family organizer and assistant mobile app designed to help parents manage and organize schedules, discover local information, and execute tasks. Their mission is to improve parents' quality of life.

The app consolidates scheduling for parents, home life, work, social commitments, and children's activities. It allows users to manage all tasks and events, even providing the option to add tasks via WhatsApp voice notes. Fhynix also offers personalized recommendations for articles, products, vendors, restaurants, and local events based on their preferences. Plus, there's a dedicated Family Assistant to assist with tasks like back-to-school shopping, booking dinner reservations, or drafting travel itineraries with kid-friendly activities.


Time-consuming updates and difficulty in managing information

Almitra developed Fhynix in collaboration with a web agency. Fhynix compiled a database of over 1000 entries, containing activities, articles, services, and events for the mobile app end users.

In the initial stages of development, the Fhynix team had to provide all content intended for the mobile app to the agency developers for database updates. Since the development and maintenance of Fhynix was outsourced, even minor changes took considerable time due to the agency's limited involvement in daily operations. This became a bottleneck. As the marketing launch date approached and the need for expanded features became more frequent, managing and updating information became increasingly time-consuming.


Fhynix used Appsmith to efficiently manage content updates and feature additions

Fhynix was looking for a solution to optimize their operations. They contemplated building a solution in-house, which would allow for full customization and alignment with their specific needs, though it could represent a significant investment in terms of engineering resources and costs.

Having completed the Product Requirements Document, and after comparing the estimated time and costs of building in-house versus integrating with Appsmith, it was clear for Almitra that Appsmith was the clear winner.

In Almitra's words, "I wouldn't assign a dollar value to the cost of engineering resources. Instead, I would consider it as an opportunity cost. Imagine, as a bootstrapped company in the early stages, I need to release my product and quickly go to market. The engineers could be working on the actual product, as opposed to two engineers building and maintaining the backend. I'd rather trade that time and let them focus just one day on setting up Appsmith, and then I can do the rest myself allowing them to focus their time on the consumer-facing product. So, more than cost, I would say it's more about the opportunity."

Fhynix used Appsmith to overcome the bottleneck of waiting for developers to update content or add features. Almitra, the product, and growth managers found the UI and interface user-friendly. They implemented the tables and schema in Appsmith, so now whenever Almitra adds an entry into Appsmith, it's pulled into the backend and processed based on the app logic.

They consolidated different apps with various content types into their Appsmith workspace, each reflected in the mobile app. These apps represent different content types, including recommendations, local vendors, articles, products, activities, and more.

A screenshot of the articles apps in Fhynix app.

Sped up time to market and facilitated efficient operations

Appsmith allowed Fhynix to market their product faster. Its user-friendly setup and maintenance-free nature enabled Fhynix to launch new features much quicker than with traditional development methods. As a result, they were able to go to market 25% faster, saving them around 60-90 days compared to building the application from scratch.

Fhynix found that Appsmith offered them control, benefiting not just developers, but also users who needed to frequently update the app's content. This eliminated the need to submit a Jira ticket and wait for things to enter the development pipeline.

Appsmith's intuitive UI made Fhynix's operations more efficient. Onboarding new team members to the platform is straightforward, reducing the need for lengthy training sessions. The ease of use enabled Fhynix to scale their operations quickly as their team grew. It is easier for team members to add new features to the app, reducing the time and bottlenecks they’d have to navigate if coding from scratch.

A screenshot of the recommendations app in Fhynix workspace.

Improve operational processes and save time using Appsmith

Efficiency is always a key factor when it comes to managing startup operations, and companies often have to balance the need for speed and agility with the constraints of limited resources. The team at Fhynix realized significant time savings and improved operational efficiency by building the custom database management solutions they needed in Appsmith.

Appsmith provides a faster alternative to traditional development, enabling the creation of custom apps, and providing a significant advantage over the time-consuming and resource-intensive process of coding from scratch. Use the free cloud-hosted or self-hosted version to quickly build your POC or full-fledged applications. Explore our available versions, and if you're looking for enterprise-grade support and reliability, don't hesitate to get in touch with our team.

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