What is a Low-code BPM Platform? A Complete Guide

Dessire Ugarte
Posted by Dessire UgartePublished on Jul 14, 2024
11 min read
A Complete Guide on Low-code BPM image

Business Process Management systems help organizations create, manage, automate, execute, control, measure, and optimize business processes. However, traditional or off-the-shelf BPM solutions have limitations to meet the unique requirements of every organization. 

Problems faced with traditional or off-the-shelf BPMs are:

  • Lack of the flexibility to adapt to unique business processes

  • Customizing can be costly, time-consuming, and requires extensive manual coding

  • Organizations risk becoming dependent on a specific vendor's ecosystem

  • Slow adoption of technologies like AI or machine learning

Low-code development platforms facilitating BPM functionalities enable the automation of business processes and application development without coding knowledge. This method enables citizen developers to enhance the BPM lifecycle according to business requirements. 

In this article, we’ll explore how low-code platforms have enhanced BPM and discuss their benefits, features, and the differences between traditional BPMs and low-code BPM platforms. 

What is a low-code BPM platform?

A low-code BPM platform is a software solution built on top of a low-code platform that allows for creating and managing business processes. These platforms offer features like a drag-and-drop interface, change management, workflow automation, and third-party integrations that help create business processes and apps. 

An open-source low-code platform that facilitates BPM features aims to simplify the creation and management of business processes and reduce the dependency on IT professionals. In other words, allowing citizen developers to create, manage, and automate processes and workflows of your business processes without manually coding every component. 

Why should you choose low-code BPM platforms for automating business processes? 

A report from AuraQuantic software provider says that the company evolved from a traditional business process management (BPM) software provider to a low-code platform for automating business processes and application development.  Businesses require modern solutions because they require flexibility, agility, and adaptability to operate efficiently and meet current market requirements. 

This is where businesses look for an alternative to traditional BPMs that allows rapid internal application development without manual coding and faster automation of routine tasks.

Struggling to tailor your business operations according to the market requirements?

Appsmith is a leading low-code platform that offers BPM-specific features like workflow automation, drag-and-drop functionality, and integration with third-party platforms.

So, let’s now dive into the traditional and low-code BPM platforms that facilitate BPM. 

What are the differences between traditional BPM and low-code BPM platforms? 

Low-code BPM platforms provide a graphical user interface (GUI) for non-technical users to create software solutions and applications by dragging and dropping components, which includes pre-built templates and components. 

Meanwhile, traditional BPM allows modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement, and optimization of business activity flows, ensuring the meeting of enterprise goals within and beyond enterprise boundaries. 


Traditional BPMs

Low-code BPM Platforms

Development Speed

Traditional BPM, like IBM BPM, requires extensive coding and testing, which takes months to develop and implement for process management.

Low-code development platforms, such as Appsmith, offer drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components, which reduces development time to weeks.

Technical Expertise 

Traditional BPM systems require high technical expertise. For example, to implement Oracle BPM, you need Java developers and even to customize it. 

Low-code BPM platforms like Appsmith allow business analysts to design processes using visual tools, reducing dependency on IT.


Traditional BPMs offer customization through coding, but they can be complex to manage and execute.

Some low-code platforms allow in-line customization of templates and components, accelerating the development of mobile apps, web apps, and software solutions. 


Traditional BPM systems like Oracle BPM have high costs due to lengthy development cycles and specialized IT support needs.

Some low-code platforms, such as Appsmith, are more cost-effective due to the usage-based pricing model and involve shorter development time in app creation. 

Integration Capabilities

Traditional BPM systems require custom code to integrate with legacy systems.

Low-code BPM platforms like Appsmith, Mendix, or OutSystems simplify integration with built-in connectors for systems like SAP and Salesforce.


Traditional BPMs enable automation capabilities but require complex coding expertise.

Low-code automation allows setting conditional logic and data binding that is user-friendly and easy to implement, which reduces the manual effort of creating workflows. 

User Experience

Traditional BPM systems, like IBM BPM, can be complex and require significant training, making them less accessible to non-technical users.

Low-code BPM platforms offer intuitive interfaces designed for ease of use by citizen developers, improving accessibility.

Time to Market

Traditional BPM solutions have long development cycles, delaying the time to market for new processes.

Low-code platforms enable rapid prototyping and deployment, significantly shortening the time to market.

Compliance and Governance

Traditional BPM systems like IBM BPM include robust compliance features but need custom development to meet standards.

Low-code BPM platforms offer built-in compliance and governance tools, simplifying adherence to regulatory requirements.

Learning Curve

The learning curve for traditional BPM systems is steep and requires proper and detailed training and expertise.

Low-code BPM platforms are easy to learn, enabling quick adoption by a wider range of users.

Example Platforms

Examples include IBM BPM, Oracle BPM, and TIBCO BPM, known for their robust capabilities but require coding and IT resources.

Examples include Appsmith, Appian, Pega, Nintex, OutSystems, and Kissflow, offering powerful process management tools with user-friendly interfaces.

Now, we’ll explain the benefits of low-code platforms that facilitate BPM services. 

What are the core benefits of low-code BPM platforms?

Low-code BPM platforms offer multiple benefits for businesses looking to streamline their business operations and application development requirements using a single tool. Let’s explore the advantages of using low-code BPM platforms.

1. Agility to adapt to market changes quickly with low-code BPM

Businesses struggle to keep pace with frequently evolving market demands. Traditional BPM methods require extensive coding, leading to long development cycles and delaying responses to new opportunities or challenges. 

Low-code BPM platforms allow businesses to modify processes and meet market demands without complex programming. This agility allows businesses to adjust their operations, launch new products, or enter new markets in a fraction of the time. 

2. Complete control over the business processes

Pre-built BPM solutions that didn’t quite fit the unique workflow requirements of every business. Executing customization in the pre-built BPM platforms means expensive consultations or waiting for the IT department to make changes, leaving businesses powerless. This siloed approach leads to inefficient solutions, slow implementation, and underutilized business knowledge. 

Low-code BPM platforms offer control back to business users who know the processes best. Due to a user-friendly development interface, pre-built components, and third-party integrations, business users can easily design, test, and refine workflows tailored to the organization’s requirements. 

3. Reduced dependency on IT with low-code BPM

Agility is an important part of achieving business success quickly. Businesses must adapt processes quickly to capitalize on new opportunities and adapt to changing markets. Traditional business process management involves writing code from scratch, managing an IT backlog, and addressing communication gaps. 

Low-code solutions reduce the need for extensive coding with drag-and-drop functionality and visual tools. Business users create low-code-based enterprise solutions and design and modify workflows without coding knowledge using pre-built components and templates. So, they can make business processes faster, improve agility, enhance collaboration, and free up IT resources. 

4. Improved collaboration between IT and business teams using low-code BPM platforms

A communication gap between IT and business teams results in solutions that don't meet business requirements or take too long to implement due to technical jargon or different priorities. This disconnect frequently causes project delays, budget overruns, and frustrated end-users who feel their requirements aren't properly addressed.

Low-code BPM platforms resolve this challenge by building a bridge by providing a graphical user interface and visual modeling tools. This visual approach helps bridge the communication gap between business and IT teams, making it easier for them to collaborate effectively on process design and implementation. 

5. Better visibility and analytics into the business process

Companies struggle with fragmented and outdated processes, making it difficult to identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Gathering value-driven data for business requires manual effort or complex integration of multiple tools like ERP systems (low-code ERP solutions), CRM platforms, spreadsheets, and legacy databases. 

This is where low-code tools allow business users to create custom dashboards, automate reporting, and visualize process mapping. These capabilities of low-code BPM platforms enable businesses to gain clear insights into their processes and facilitate data-driven decision-making and continuous process improvement.

What are the key features of low-code BPM platforms? 

  • Drag and drop builder

Drag pre-built components, such as forms, tasks, and decision points, onto a canvas and connect them to create workflows without extensive coding. This feature allows faster development and iteration of workflows for technical and non-technical users.  

  • Workflow automation

Define rules, conditions, and actions that trigger automatically based on specific events or data inputs. Workflow automation reduces manual work, minimizes errors, and increases overall efficiency by continuously executing business processes across the organization. 

  • AI and machine learning integration

Integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities into the business processes by using intelligent process routing, predictive analysis, automated decision-making, and natural language processing. AI and ML integration enhances process efficiency and provides real-time insights and automation based on historical data and patterns. 

  • Third-party integration 

Integrate your business systems with pre-built connectors for enterprise systems like Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace. Advanced integration capabilities may include support for EDI and message queues for asynchronous communication. Third-party integration allows smooth data flow across business systems and automates processes at an organizational level. 

  • Version control

Track and manage changes to processes, forms, and other components within the platform. This feature allows users to revert to previous versions, compare different iterations, and maintain a history of modifications. 

  • Workflow customization

Create custom fields, forms, rules, and logic within workflows to tailor processes to specific organizational needs and requirements. Workflow customization ensures your unique business scenarios, industry-specific requirements, and evolving organization requirements, without requiring extensive custom coding.

  • Compliance and security

Built-in features include role-based access control, SSO, data encryption, audit trails, and compliance reporting to ensure regulatory requirements within your business processes. This feature reduces the headache of manually ensuring that processes are in line with the organizational security policies and regulatory compliance.  

  • Multi-channel notifications

Send automated alerts and updates to relevant stakeholders via communication channels. This feature includes email notifications, SMS alerts, in-app messages, or integration with communication platforms like Slack, Skype, or Microsoft Teams. 

Appsmith's success stories

Appsmith is an open-source platform for app development and business process automation. The platform offers self-hosting, usage-based pricing, 18+ native integration, intent-based auto layouts, 45+ widgets, and an in-built JavaScript editor, catering to businesses of all sizes without vendor lock-in. 

Check these stories to learn how Appsmith has helped these organizations enhance business operations.


Meet Florent B., a DevOps Engineer at Strapi, an open-source headless CMS company. Following the launch of Strapi Cloud in May 2023, Florent faced the challenge of managing and accessing customer data for their growing support operations.

Strapi was facing multiple issues:

  • Scattered customer data

  • Time-consuming support process

  • Inefficient troubleshooting

Appsmith helped Strapi to:

  • Reduce data retrieval time from 2 minutes to 10 seconds

  • Consolidate customer databases into a single view

  • Build a detailed dashboard in just one day

  • Significantly improve support response times

  • Enable easy access to customer billing history and app health information

Using Appsmith, the dashboard has become the central hub for Strapi to manage and retrieve customer and project information. This allows faster response times and improved customer support experience. This case study of Strapi describes the transformative power of low-code platforms in optimizing support operations and enhancing customer satisfaction.


Meet SCHMALZ+SCHÖN, a leading logistics group operating since 1959. With 13 companies, 795 employees, and an annual turnover of nearly $200 million, they sought to improve their digital processes and tackle data management challenges.

SCHMALZ+SCHÖN was facing these issues:

  • Lack of operational visibility and disparate data sources

  • Heavy reliance on manual, paper-based processes

  • Inconsistent supplier address data

  • Difficulties in obtaining accurate, consolidated information

Appsmith helped SCHMALZ+SCHÖN to:

  • Custom apps for data visualization and tracking

  • HR management application for employee data

  • Project management Kanban board

  • Application for standardized shipment orders

  • 70% reduction in development time compared to traditional methods

  • Centralized data platform with connectors to various databases

  • Enabled non-technical staff to create and modify apps


Meet Boris (CTO) and Anton (Head of Marketing Engineering) from HeyJobs, a career platform for essential talent in Europe. Serving over 3,000 clients globally with over 400 employees, they aimed to modernize their legacy marketing applications and streamline operations.

HeyJobs was facing these issues:

  • Legacy admin panel lacking flexibility and scalability

  • High development costs for custom applications

  • Difficulty in implementing new features on market requests

Appsmith helped HeyJobs to:

  • Rebuilt legacy applications with improved interface and functionality

  • Enabled non-technical engineers to add new features

  • Reduced feature development time from weeks to hours

  • Automated budget allocation for enterprise clients

  • Improved user experience with a faster and more intuitive interface

  • Allowed engineers to focus on sophisticated business logic

Looking for a reliable low-code BPM platform to streamline your business processes?

Appsmith is used by leading companies like Strapi, HeyJobs, GSK, F22 Labs, and HIFI to build applications to automate business processes from scratch to end.

Appsmith - Your ultimate low-code BPM platform

Low-code BPM platforms have changed the way businesses manage and optimize their processes. Create, modify, and streamline business processes using a low-code development platform's drag-and-drop interfaces, workflow automation, and easy integration capabilities. 

Stay competitive by benefiting from the power of low-code platforms available in the market. When it comes to low-code BPM platforms, Appsmith is a standout choice. Here are the reasons. 

  • Enables rapid development of custom dashboards and applications

  • Open-source platform

  • Self-hosting and cloud-hosting capabilities

  • Integrates with existing systems

  • Open-source with no vendor lock-in

  • Usage-based pricing

Appsmith could be your solution to optimize your business processes and enable faster app development within your organization. 

Frequently asked questions 

1. Is it possible to integrate low-code BPM platforms with existing systems?

Yes, it's possible to integrate low-code BPM platforms like Appsmith into existing systems. These platforms offer integration capabilities through APIs, pre-built connectors, and custom integration platforms. You can connect with various enterprise systems like CRMs, ERPs, and databases to leverage smooth data exchange and process coordination.

2. What are the issues with traditional low-code BPM platforms?

Here is a list of issues faced in traditional low-code BPM platforms.

  • Complexity and steep learning curve

  • High implementation costs

  • Lack of flexibility and agility

  • Limited integration capabilities

  • Difficulty in handling unstructured processes

  • Scalability challenges

  • Lengthy deployment times

  • Inadequate real-time analytics

3. Is it compulsory to have coding experience to use low-code BPM platforms?

Low-code BPM platforms allow non-technical users to design and deploy business processes and applications using a drag-and-drop interface without requiring coding expertise. These platforms provide pre-built templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and integration capabilities, enabling rapid app development.

However, having some coding knowledge helps manage complex customization and integrations. Low-code BPM platforms provide a powerful tool to streamline and automate your processes.