Build a Supabase admin panel in minutes

Quickly build a flexible, customizable, and custom-auth controlled admin panel for your Supabase instance. Build custom business logic that works in real-time on top of your dynamic Supabase data.

Admin panel • Supabase

Thousands of businesses scale faster and more efficiently by building on Appsmith.

Why Appsmith for a Supabase admin panel

Connect to your datasource easily

Try our growing library of native integrations and connect quickly to popular databases like MongoDB, MySQL, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, S3, Elasticsearch and many more.

Drag and drop, or code to build your admin panel

Drag and drop configurable widgets like tables, buttons, forms, charts and many more to build app UI. Write JavaScript anywhere in Appsmith to present data and add functionality your end-users want.

Easily manage versions and deploy with ease.

Connect to your Git service and manage versions across local, dev, stage, and production environments. Deploy to the Appsmith cloud in clicks or to a cloud platform of your choice. 

More with Supabase + Appsmith

Do more with your Supabase data. Build a data reporting tool, an employee survey dashboard, a customer insights dashboard or a simple Supabase UI dashboard for easy data visualization.

Manage, manipulate, and transform data

Let your users visualize and interact with your Supabase data using interactive widgets; perform perform CRUD operations, retrieve data collections, update documents or review data changes in real-time.

Search, filter, sort, and paginate

Enable search, filter, and sort features for your Supabase data and collections without writing any code. Build modern pagination in less than a minute using simple, pre-built configs.

Bring in data from other tools and datasources

Trigger actions to other datasources or SaaS tools from your Supabase admin panel. Or stitch data together from multiple sources, like Airtable, MongoDB, PostrgeSQL, HubSpot, etc, in the same UI.

How to build an admin panel with Appsmith


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Get an admin panel today.

We’re open-source, and you can self-host Appsmith or use our cloud version—both free.
