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Quick and easy internal tools with S3

Build image and file explorers, trigger S3 → Mongo workflows for invoices and order receipts, or build out a media store for your CMS in thirty minutes or less with an Appsmith native integration to S3.

Connect your S3 buckets in minutes, write simple queries to read your data, and bind it to a growing library of 45+ widgets from tables, charts, tabs, forms, a rich-text editor, and more. Give your end-users an easy interface to view and upload files while ensuring not even you can cause accidental damage.

Deploy with confidence to our cloud or self-host our private-cloud open source on Digital Ocean, AWS ECS, AWS AMI using Docker or Kubernetes.

Integration Hero Image-S3

What you can do with S3 + Appsmith

Read + list files

Use pre-built List and Read commands to fetch your files, view them as you like, and search across buckets in real-time.

Create new files to S3

Use Create and Delete queries out of the box or to write to a specified S3 bucket.

Run and schedule bulk jobs

Use ready Create multiple or Delete multiple commands for bulk jobs.

Bring other tools

Trigger actions to other datasources or SaaS tools from your app or append files to other data in the same UI.

Why Appsmith

Popular open source

Self-host the most popular open source app builder on the planet or deploy to our cloud. Get started in minutes on your Docker or Kubernetes clusters or choose one of our natively supported IaaS services.

Start quickly, deploy reliably

Start with our ready templates or fork them into existing builds. Manage multiple environments with ease and deploy fully functioning apps to production environments without breaking changes.

Only code when you want to

Drag-and-drop widgets to build your UI and bind data in seconds. Or go pro mode and write snippets or longer code anywhere in Appsmith, including on an in-built IDE for more complex CRUD actions.

With Appsmith, you can build any internal tool on top of your S3 data.

Build on Appsmith

Other out of the box datasources

Build the apps you want with Appsmith.