Appsmith managed hosting
Focus on building apps
and let us handle the infrastructure

Managed Enterprise hosting from Appsmith provides reliable, secure, high-performance hosting for your Appsmith instance.

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Speed your deployment, and reduce maintenance headaches

Appsmith’s managed hosting provides a turnkey, dedicated environment to build and run your applications. Get up and running in minutes without worrying about managing DevOps infrastructure.

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    Dedicated servers for optimal performance and isolation

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    Auto-scaling to handle workload spikes

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    Automatic (daily) back-ups

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    Continuous monitoring and secure (VPC, VPN) connectivity

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are managed instances hosted?

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Hosting is on AWS servers with US West, US East, and EU locations available.

How many environments are provided?

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Managed instances include a staging and production environment. Additional testing environments can be provided.

Do you provide guaranteed uptime or SLAs?

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Yes. Appsmith offers a guaranteed uptime of 99.99% for the production environment in a managed hosting.

How are system updates and maintenance handled?

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Appsmith manages all updates, and will upgrade your instance to the latest version every quarter. Regular updates and maintenance do not require any downtime. In the event of scheduled downtime, users will be notified 15 days in advance.

Do managed instances support custom IDP and SSO logins?

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Yes. You can still use any SAML, OIDC or AD provider with a managed instance.

What is the backup and recovery process?

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Managed instances are automatically backed up daily and ahead of any scheduled maintenance. Swift backup restoration ensures that your instance is back online in (about 35) minutes.

Do users retain admin access to their Appsmith instance?

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Yes. Your account will have administrator privileges within the Appsmith environments. However, you will not have access to the host server. Our support team is available to address any questions or issues you may have.

Can existing applications and configurations from self-hosted Appsmith instances be transferred to a managed instance?

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Yes. You can import your existing applications and configurations from self-hosted to a managed host. Appsmith support will help you migrate all your applications and configurations seamlessly into our managed environment.

Are there any API rate limits or restrictions in the managed environment?

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By default, Appsmith managed hosting has a rate limit of 100 requests/second. This is to prevent any attempts at DDOSing the environment. The rate limit can be adjusted upon request.

Can instances be connected to a VPC to access private resources or datasources?

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Yes. You can connect to your dedicated Appsmith instance to your private environment using AWS Private Link if your private resources are in AWS or a VPN tunnel if your private resources are in Azure or GCP. Our support team can help you set up this connection.

Learn more about fully managed hosting tailored specifically for Appsmith

Use our secure, highly scalable infrastructure to focus on what you do best - building exceptional applications.