Build portals for any audience in just minutes

Manage partners and deals, engage your community, get feedback from employees, or maintain inventory across warehouses with a custom portal built in less than thirty minutes on Appsmith.

Build custom portals with Appsmith

Why use Appsmith to build portals

Join data from multiple data sources.

Fetch and read data from several tables on the same datasource or entirely different datasources with ready connectors to databases, API, and even SaaS tools.

Code only when needed

Build out common views of the data with ready insert, update, and delete queries for all connections to datasources. Code anywhere in Appsmith to trigger dynamic updates, transform data client-side and or manage business logic.

Deploy across your company

Secure access to thousands of end-users or a handful with easy deployment to our cloud or a host of your choice.

Ready portals in four steps

No writing custom code. No wrangling with spreadsheets or data. No debates about which database to use. Bring your data where it lives into Appsmith and customize with code wherever you want.

Connect your datasources in minutes

Use pre-built connectors for PostgresQL, MongoDB, Snowflake, Amazon S3, Airtable, REST APIs, and even GraphQL endpoints to bring your data from multiple data tables or entirely different datasources.

Drag and drop from 45+ widgets to present data

Choose from a growing library of widgets to present data how you want without needing front-end expertise. Get out-of-the-box triggers, styles, and themes to make portals interactive and yours. Write JavaScript in widget props for when you want more style customizations.

Bind your data to the UI

Use built-in CRUD functionality or write simple queries in our editor to get your data working with widgets. Dynamically trigger updates with JavaScript in widget props or use our JavaScript IDE to build advanced interactivity. Get help coding right with autocomplete or easily debug errors with the Appsmith Debugger.

Deploy your portals

Make your portals live on our free, cloud-hosted version or to a platform of your choice—Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, DigitalOcean, and Heroku. Microsoft Azure coming soon.

Build faster with ready templates.

Fork. Customize. Extend.

Learn how to build portals with Appsmith

Build a portal from scratch or unblock yourself at any stage of your build with our helpful resources


Get help with core Appsmith concepts or find answers to how do I questions.


Get live support from our team or ask and answer questions in our open-source community.


Watch video tutorials, live app-building demos, How Do I Do X, and get tips and tricks for your builds.

Ship a portal today.

We’re open-source, and you can self-host Appsmith or use our cloud version—both free.
